Memorial Website of Ignaz Goldziher


“He left behind a name, which is still uttered with praises”

After his death in 1921, Ignaz Goldziher has maintained his position as definitive master of his speciality, and he is still considered to be one of the most influential European authorities. This is clearly evidenced by the frequent republishing and translation of his works and the references to them even in recent publications.

Goldziher Ignác portréja

His books and most important articles have appeared in all the major European languages, and have also been translated into Turkish, Persian, Urdu and even Indonesian. Apart from his scholarly activity, his personality, his having been embedded in Jewish erudition and always remaining a Hungarian at heart have continuously been at the forefront of interest.

His death was not only commemorated in the Hungarian press, but the international scholarly world also eulogized him, when several writings penned by notable Arabists appraised his oeuvre in prestigious journals.

When after the 1950’s English became the dominant language of science and scholarship, Goldziher’s main works, originally written in German, on the Prophetic traditions, Islamic jurisprudence, and the commentaries on the Qur’an, together with his Vorlesungen all appeared in English, one after the other.

Several of his works, at first only available in Hungarian, were later published in German or English. Their topics include the history of Arabic literature, the Arab civilization of Spain, the history of Arabic linguistic sciences, and a description of books purchased by him in Egypt for the Library of the Academy.

His collected articles in foreign languages which appeared in six volumes between 1967 and 1973, and the two volumes in Hungarian of his selected papers (1995) also aroused great interest, reflecting Goldziher’s enduring scientific legacy.

In 1926 Goldziher’s correspondence and his hand-written notes were donated to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The study and publishing of the correspondence already started after the official opening in the Academy’s building of a dedicated Goldziher-room in 1933, and it has led to many scholarly publications world-wide.

The Goldziher Library

Catalogue of the Islam and Middle East Collection of the National Library of Israel  –

Goldziher’s private library, containing Western scholarly literature and published Arabic sources, was purchased by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Goldziher’s library which served as the foundation of the present-day Islam and Middle East Collection of the National Library of Israel was ceremonially opened to the public in September 1924, and has been serving researchers ever since.

The major anniversaries of Goldziher’s birth and death have been commemorated by conferences and scholarly volumes all over the world.

Goldziher Ignác születésének 100. évfordulója alkalmából a Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság által rendezett kongresszust az MTA ünnepi összes ülésén tartott megemlékezés zárta.

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Игнац Гольдциэр

Известия Российской Академии Наук 1922, 147-168

Памяти Игн. Гольдциэра (1850-1921)

Восток, 2 (1923) 162-163

Az arabok és az iszlám: válogatott tanulmányok | The Arabs and Islam

Budapest oriental reprints. Series A (7-8). Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára : Kőrösi Csoma Társaság, Budapest. ISBN 963-7302-92-1

Die Goldziher-Sammlung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Ungarische Jahrbücher 13/3‒4 (1933) 371‒372

Goldziher Ignác könyvtára

Az Izraeli Nemzeti Könyvtár Iszlám és Közel-Kelet Gyűjteményének katalógusa

Goldziher Ignác személyiségét idéző és munkásságát méltató írások az Egyenlőség folyóirat hasábjain

Kézirat. Lelőhely: MTA KIK Kézirattár Ms 5254/270, Budapest, Egyenlőség. 40. évf. 46. szám 1921. november 19.

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