Reviews about bāšā

Bibliographical database of publications of Ignaz Goldziher. You can find the items by keyword and other filtering options. Studies are available in digitised form with open access in the REAL repository. The database does not include correspondence, which can be accessed by clicking on the Goldziher correspondence link in the header.
Author and Title
Language / Year / Type / Topic
Author: Goldziher Ignác

ʽAlî Bâschâ Mubârak, al-Ḫiṭaṭ al-Tawfîqiyya al-ǧadîda li-Miṣr al-Qâhira wa-mudunihâ al-qadîma wa-l-šahîra (Bûlâq, 1306 [1888])

Reviewed author: ʿAlī Mubārak, bāšā

Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 4 (1890) 347-352

Arabic studies, Historiography, History

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